Thursday, June 18, 2009


i used to think im a free spirit
im not constrained by rigid plans of the future
limited by absolutes
nor intimidated by risks and uncertainties.

but im not so sure any more.
i prided myself on being flexible and versatile
but explode when things don't go my way.

how i see myself is not exactly what i really am.
i claim to be spontaneous but i always have a to do list.
i love surprises but can't tolerate unexpected guests.

i feel like there's a totally different me in written form
another when talked about and a completely alien one in reality.

But is real really real? Or like most things reality is relative?
And what is the point of reference when talking about what's real?

Take for example a pack of potato chips. The taste is different
when eaten alone and when shared. Or maybe it's just me who thinks so.
I can go on and on but I doubt if I can come up with a satisfactory

Might as well let it rest.

Monday, February 16, 2009


She was rushing for cover from the unexpected downpour. Her clothes were wet and her hair was in disarray. She was carefully setting her feet one by one on the slippery tiles when something from her right caused her to raise her eyes. And there she saw the person she buried at the back of her mind. The one she had learned to forget. It took her mind a few seconds to recognize what her heart instantly remembered.
Dressed in crisp white and black tie, he came towards her without seeing her. Her mouth called out his name in disbelief. It's like something sprang open inside him and he looked at her blinked and said her name twice. The first came off like a gasp as if to ask himself if it truly was her. The second was bolder and with more conviction.

She clasped his hand with both of hers. Unmindful of the people around her and her disheveled appearance, she drew him close and told him how much she missed him. It turned out they were working just across each other all these years. But it was all over in an instant leaving her to wonder if she indeed saw him.

Thoughts raced through her mind and memories flooded her vision. All the wonderful things she boxed inside suddenly broke free. It seems like only yesterday she was yelling at him to catch the ball. Two days ago he let her copy his homework. A week ago she gave him a letter just because she felt like writing one. Two weeks ago she walked barefoot from the gym to the classroom because he failed to lead their team to victory. A month ago she and her best friend stayed overnight at his house to work on a project. Two months ago he made a scene in the library with his earphones on. A year ago she accidentally...she'd rather keep it in the box. A year and a half ago he told her she loved her, but she later found out he told everybody that. Two years ago he was scribbling a note she forced him to write. Two and a half years ago he taught her how to dance boogie. Three years ago he pushed her to another man which made her protest violently. Four years ago she moved her seat to get a better view of his face. Five

Christmases ago he eagerly waited for her to open her presents from him. He grinned when he saw how ridiculously happy she was. Six, seven and eight. She realized it's been a decade since the first time they met.

Years may have passed but for her, there still remains that something which never fails to captivate her. And so for the nth time, she fell.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Biking At Midnight

Whew....two months after my maiden voyage along the streets of ortigas, i was finally able to venture out to the unchartered streets of san miguel, pearl and escriva. After I blew the rear tire of my so-called bike a couple of months ago I was forced to go on foot again along my favorite streets.

What a wonderful feeling! It's so relaxing after a stressfull 12-hour shift. Biking along the road at 12 midnight and at a one way street at that could surely turn heads and raise brows.

I didn't care. I was so happy. I even got a glimpse of the concert of Sugarfree.

Highlights: going the opposite way on a one-way street(i really forgot it was a one-way street), using Jollibee's CR w/o buying anything, Sugarfree (Free COncert), driving along San Miguel with cars alongside, driving up the Tektite cobbled walk.
I didn't carry any valuables with me even coins..I didn't have a pocket. And in case I encounter some HUers they wont get anything from me..too bad I didn't have a camera with me.
I was just wondering if it would be a lot better if I had someone with me.
Wht do you think? Care to join me?
(image: just after my trip)

Monday, December 15, 2008

ENERGETIC DOER: Do you think this describes me?

i took the test from the link (see left side) and got these results. What do you think?

Energetic Doers are cheerful and spontaneous persons. They are charming and full of energy and real persons of action. They keep a clear head and the overview even in difficult situations. This makes them popular problem solvers. Their ability of being able to absorb and process information is phenomenal. Energetic Doers also have strong powers of observation and a keen sense when dealing with other people. They are very perceptive, witty and clever. They have a natural ability of convincing others of their point of view. Energetic Doers live completely in the here and now and make spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next. They love being together with other people and are sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalists. It is no problem for them to be the effervescent centre of attention at a party and they are generous, skilful and good hosts. They do not brood over consequences for long; they quickly grasp all the relevant facts, make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. Should a decision later turn out to have been wrong, one can always make new plans.Energetic Doers magically attract fun and action. They need the kick - as far as possible with other people. Many representatives of this type have dangerous hobbies or go in for extreme sports. They quite consciously put themselves in dangerous situations again and again. At work too, Energetic Doers seek fun and variety above all. They are bored to death by routine, safety and calculability. Crises are their elixir of life and really bring their strong points to light. They react to new challenges flexibly and effectively. They gain their confidence from their imperturbable self-assuredness that they will be able to cope with them. Energetic Doers prefer practical activities which lead to visible results rather than theoretical fields of work. Endless discussions with colleagues quickly get on their nerves and they do not have the patience for interpersonal niceties. They say how something has to be done and that’s that!Energetic Doers keep their friends in suspense with their wit, esprit and quickness in repartee. They mostly have a large circle of friends and acquaintances but often remain non-committal in their relationships. They expect a great deal of reliability and tolerance from their really good friends but are also willing to give the same to them. However, due to their spontaneous nature, they always remain a little surprising and unpredictable, also for their partners. Energetic Doers need a lot of space and time to themselves; they quickly feel hemmed in if their partners cling too strongly to them. But if you give them plenty of leeway, they are generous, cheerful and extremely imaginative life companions with whom you can have a lot of fun and enjoy life to the full. They do not avoid conflicts but address them openly and sometimes sparks can really fly. But this is typical for Energetic Doers and, afterwards, they are all the more devoted and loving.
Adjectives which describe your type
extroverted, practical, logical, spontaneous, resolved, direct, objective, conscientious, attentive, likes taking risks, cheerful, impulsive, optimistic, sociable, enthusing, full of the joys of life, aggressive, inconsiderate, dynamic, lively, rash, competition-oriented, action-loving, energetic, charming, superior, solution-oriented, adventurous, go-ahead, changeable, outgoing

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today is the Greatest Day

I've been working for more than 15 hours this past two weeks. Just this morning I woke up after sleeping for barely two hours and rushed to the venue of my training. It's one of the trainings I'm conducting. In my haste, I didn't double check my things.. It was too late when I found out my USB was not in my handbag. I didn't mention it to my boss who was with me. I scanned my brain for some plan B. I couldn't think of any. I texted my officemate who I was sure was still sleepin
g to check my table for the USB and to rush it to the venue ASAP.
I refused to panic and prayed hard for grace under this pressure. I asked for prayers from my DGroup. I decided to rearraange the schedule for the day just in case my officemate would arrive to save my day. I looked forward to some amazing way God would use to deliver me from my predicament.
Sure enough! He did! My boss brought an external HD with him which happened to contain a backup of my old files!! Not all the files I needed for the training were there BUT the most important one I needed was there-complete! But the pictures my Boss wanted to show my trainees weren't there. hahahaha...that External HD easn't there by acident or mistake..
The other powerpoints I needed which were in the USB weren't really necessary because I was able to prepare Handouts for them. I was able to recycle a Manila Paper where the last ppt I needed was written bby the last batch of trainees..
So how about that?
How great do you think my God is? hahhaah
That's why whenever I have this seemingly unlucky day, I call it the greatest day in history because it's one opportunity for my GOd to show His greatness in ways I could never even imagine.

"I will be still, know You are God."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

"I Will Praise You in the Storm"

I thank You still in spite of this storm. I am happy because I believe I am a threat to the enemy that's why I am having difficulties right now. But just like what I have committed to do I stand true to my promise. "When times get tough, and I get tired, I won't back up, back off, back down, back out, or backslide. I'll just keep moving forward by God's grace. I'm Spirit-led, purpose-driven and mission-focused, so I cannot be bought, I will not be compromised, and I shall not quit until I finish the race."

"However, whenever, wherever, and whatever You ask me to do, my answer in advance is yes! Wherever You lead and whatever the cost, I'm ready. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway. Whatever it takes Lord; whatever it takes!"

(from Rick Warren's A Call to Radical Commitment)

I love You!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Psalm 23 Moment

I'm sorry if my initial reaction was to shrink from it...hahaha...How could I have forgotten how great You are..Thank You that although this task may seem frightening, You have promised to be with me. How funny that I even bothered to think of a few persons to help me out when there's You.
I am excited how You'd reveal Yourself to me again in this my nth Psalm 23 moment. I can sleep tonight secure because of You. Even before I ask for it I know Your answer is on its way so I really thank YOu in advance. I put my trust in YOu alone. No one can protect me better than YOu.
I'm stepping down the driver's seat of my life.. Take the wheel please, it's all YOurs.

Love You.